To save energy-solutions that cannot change your way of life.

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Increasing and decreasing the temperature in the years ahead, put intense pressure on consumers worldwide like this means only one thing, more energy and fuel are necessary for monitoring the environment and make more comfortable your homes.

Over the years, new technology was invented to improve the way in which we live-devices for energy saving is not excluded.However, new technologies, as always, is a bit expensive at first. And the price will remain after a certain temps. Corn instead of waiting for a more affordable energy saving devices, we apply our common sense today and make some efforts in energy saving.

• Évitez energy users “ghost”.

Electrical devices that are connected on the same socket not use energy .it is a turn on the engine of your car and walk in slow motion during very longtemps. Reste connected to a single appliance can not give a significant increase of its electricity bill, but leave each unit in “sleep” can be a real money dépensière. Make sure that you pull closures of each application to their media whenever you are not using.

•Rotate the temperature of the water heater down.

Water heater hold approximately 40 litres of water and kept at a constant temperature.Forty gallons of water that is sitting in your tank for a long time intensive energy. If the water heater is not intended to be used for some time, you should keep a temperature below.

• Openings and loss into doors and Windows create drafts.

Project stronger, more need a heater for homes be heated or cooled-besides the extra work or air conditioning is to regulate the correct temperature. latest homes, problems can be just as producers of today take attention to close the potential areas of drafts and large. Maisons old cannot be sealed ainsi. Même if outside the walls are insulated, air leaks occur often around wall outlets, switches and vents that may cause condensation of water in these areas. a patch of good lather could solve the problem.

• If there’s really nothing to prepare for the big kitchen, leave the rest stove and oven.

Use rather cook stoves, lors. However in the microwave, the bottom of the saucepan used for cooking is near the ring cooker hob, more energy is enregistré. Trop flame for the NAP and you pay for the heating of the air around it.

• CFL lights are energy savers.

The use of CFLs save more than sixty percent of bulbs with DC-CFL lamps incandescence. Certain usage fee is a bit more expensive but are restored easily due to a longer life and who has power saving function.

• Clean regularly appliances.

Dirt and dust interferes with the effectiveness of appareils. De also, place a safe distance; allow approximately four centimetres of distance between the wall and appliances that generate heat for your walls step to keep in the heat.

• When the market always locate coefficient of energy and the application that you buy the power features.

Savings for people based on the home page

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Working at home brings many advantages. It keeps you from travel and clothing daily, gives on that minutes additional sleeping and lets you work on your hours more convenient. But by working from home, can also increase your energy bills-unless you choose desktop hardware carefully and do some energy-saving measures.

Buy energy efficient office equipment, fax machines, scanners, printers, monitors and devices (scanner, photocopier, fax) Multifunction computer. some ENERGY STAR Office equipment can save as many standard 90% of energy.

Most ENERGY STAR Office equipment use 50% less energy than standard except for the benefit of conservation of energy, some office equipment reduces the emission of electromagnetic field (for panels), loads, air conditioning and transformers and fan noise.

A computer energy star is an energy of 70% more efficient than from computers without designation. When ‘ remains inactive, that computer is moved to a low power mode that uses only 15 watts of power or not.

Some office equipment that I must not be turned on while must be arrested and disconnected because they attract still power off.

Remove unused electronic devices is not restricted to Office equipment, unplug your TV, VCR, stereo, oven, microwave, electric stove and other equipment when not in use.

Don’t let other devices powered during work. avoid leaving unused devices “sleep” mode.

Turn the monitor of your computer if you want to pause. manually Désactiver computer if you leave for an hour or plus. Évitez use screen savers as they consume the same amount of energy as with a normal computer usage. activating standby computer is also a way to save energy.

I don’t think office equipment should always be activated because it will last longer. Practice this belief may not bring a higher electric bill.

On your next update, consider buying a laptop computer as a replacement as they consume less power than desktops.

When the Chargers are not in use, or if the batteries are fully charged, disconnect the charger immediately.

Configure your home office where you can use natural light to reduce the use of lights and running lights lounge.

If you work at night, prefer lamps that use less energy, rather than use the pièce. Fermer lights curtains and window shades to keep the cold air and energy for heating of backup space.

If you are just here, make sure that you lock all doors and Windows to work.

Define the system of heating or cooling a confortable. A Digital thermostat thermostat can provide a small room as a savings best Office where you can reduce the use of heating or cooling system and the lumières. Préférez. travailler ensemble electricity instead of living space. Toujours keep air conditioning.

Make improvements to your home for energy.domestic energy efficiency improvements such as registration, insulation repair cracks and holes (on Windows, walls, ceiling, floors, attic and cellar) and switching to compact fluorescent tubes can reduce electricity bills.

Not only that, if you plan to sell your home, home energy efficiency is a good strategy.