-Saving training in California

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Problems recently electricity in California is rethinking the way in which the energy is used and registered. Efforts to preserve this fact many people resort to re-evaluate their choices on energy consumption. The truth is that there really is not much energy waste. Examples of fact from California in terms of how thoughtful where should suffice. The following tips for energy savings were part of the intelligent choices.

1. Refrigerators manufactured 20 or 30 years ago emits 1100 kg CO2 per year. Keep an old refrigerator model increases your monthly energy for so. the $ 80 Bill new models are energy efficiency.

Manufacturers print on réfrigérateur. Corn also new couldn’t save energy as it should if it is placed near the radiant heat appliances like dishwasher or. en ovens and stoves ‘ therefore, allowing energy savings, architects and interior designers make it a point to have boxes for heating and cooling installations.

If you are managing the temperature of the fridge at the right level, you can save provided 25% of the energy consumption when the temperature is above what is required.

2. Air drying dishes will save energy instead of putting them in the dishwasher.

3. clothing Tintori spend much energy, as far as possible, air or Sun drying is to be performed.Wash in cold water also saves 75%. Cela energy may also prevent the dryer from emitting 500 kg per year in carbon dioxide.

4. more than 50 degrees of heat is lost each time you open the oven for cooking, cooking teacher instructions and Preheat oven as oven requis. Ouvrir only if necessary.

5. While the shades and blinds is good practice to regulate temperature and let the light a room Gets an addition and-film later in saving energy for heating and cooling of the space. Storm Windows are devices of smooth power is then double Windows HPC panes.

6. Extra work will be necessary for heating and air-conditioning when you projects around your House fermeture perdite maison. and the air is a most convenient way to save energy. Limit the use of a cooling fan and closing of the damper in Camino when not maintaining the desired temperature in the House.

7. in many regions of the country, ceiling fans are sufficient to cool although isolé. you from air conditioners is a must, planting shrubs and trees in the vicinity of the Hall to be cooled you will give as much as 10% savings on energy consumption.

8. Trellises, faces and especially trees helps as much at home cooling during summer months is also used as a wind good CB during winter.

9. unplug devices connected devices in use and keep them on garder. standby use about 10% of the power that in operation requires.

Only buy foods that are truly nécessaires. Les seemingly harmless foods that populates our Parliament was manufactured within that save energy by greenhouse gas emissions in the sorting of raw materials for the production and the transport of goods, must be delivered to the archives and, finally, to the end user.

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